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The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Alternate Name(s) Art & Architecture
Art & Architecture Source includes rigorous curation and indexing of open access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 327 active global OA journals.?Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise/accurate full-text linking. ?
CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments.
Alternate Name(s) EEBO
Early English Books Online (EEBO) features page images of almost every work printed in the British Isles and North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700. Over 200 libraries worldwide have contributed to EEBO. From the first book printed in English through to the ages of Spenser, Shakespeare and of the English Civil War, EEBO's content draws on authoritative and respected short-title catalogues of the period and features a substantial number of text transcriptions specially created for the product.
Science Reference Center provides full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, reference books and high-quality videos. The database also contains science experiments, curriculum-aligned lesson plans, and a vast image collection.
This free research database offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Essays, articles, reports and other reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.
Covering topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century, History Reference Center is a research database containing full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents.
This eBook reference collection offers a rich selection of historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through today.
Full-text database that combines information from major respected reference works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO Publishing. It contains full text for plot summaries, synopses and work overviews, articles/essays of literary criticisms, author biographies, literary journals, book reviews, and more.
This eBook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of literary-related subjects. Selections include literary criticism, study guides, and classics such as Emma, Dracula and Frankenstein.
Designed for public libraries, MasterFILE Complete offers the highest quality collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books, videos and other sources covering virtually every subject area. Helping patrons find relevant content has never been easier.
This eBook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects. Topics include biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel.
Military & Government Collection is a database of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. It is designed to offer current news to military members, analysts, policy makers, students and researchers.
Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers and newswires and offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
EBSCO's Newswires provides near real-time access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. This content is monitored by EBSCO and relevant results are provided when users enter searches in EBSCOhost. This collection includes AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Business, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, and more. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content, by following the link in the record. The index to the full text content in EBSCO Newswires is held for a rolling 30-day archive by EBSCO, so users can enjoy the previous 30 days of news relating to their search interests
Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is an essential full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students. It provides hundreds of full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in APA PsycInfo. It offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and counseling.
Religion & Philosophy Collection is an essential full-text database for theology and philosophy research. It includes hundreds of full-text journals and magazines covering many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy and philosophy of language.
This ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles covering Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
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Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries. Established in Germany in 2007, Statista operates in 13 locations worldwide and employs around 1,100 professionals.
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Trusted clinical technology and evidence-based solutions that drive effective decision-making and outcomes across healthcare. Specialized in clinical effectiveness, learning, research and safety.
Designed to meet a wide variety of vocational and technical research needs, this database provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public.
EBSCO's Web News provides near real-time access to thousands of top news feeds from around the globe. This collection includes over 14,000 feeds covering a range of business and general news topics. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content, by following the link in the record.
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