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Donnelly Library: Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services

Current New Mexico Highlands University faculty, students, alumni, staff and courtesy card holders are able to request and receive research material, books or articles not available at Donnelly Library through interlibrary loan. You must be a registered user in good standing to be eligible for this service.

Please Note: We do not interlibrary loan textbooks as few libraries own them and there is a limited loan period for them. Newly published books and new feature films may be difficult to obtain, but we will request them.

Distance Ed and Center Faculty, Students and Staff:  Physical Items will take time to obtain and they must go through the mail twice – once to main campus to process, and then to you.  You may also use a Passport Certificate or your local public library’s Interlibrary Loan Service.  Articles are sent electronically.

For assistance, please contact 505.454.3481 or

Before you place a request, please check the library’s online catalog and Journal Finder List.

Log-on to the Tipasa ILL Service.

ILL Policies and Costs

To request an item: Submit requests through our Tipasa ILL system.


  • There is usually no charge for ILL transactions.
  • If charges are connected with borrowing, you will be notified before the item is ordered so you may decide if you want the item or not.
  • If you lose a book from another library, you will be responsible for the replacement cost plus any processing fees the lending library charges.
  • Material which is more than 2 weeks overdue incur a $10 processing fee.


  • Faculty and Graduate Students are limited to 10 outstanding requests at a time.  If you or your students need more, please contact
  • Undergraduate Students are limited to 5 outstanding requests at a time, or 10 with the permission of the instructor.
  • Courtesy Card holders are limited to 3 outstanding requests at a time.
  • An “Outstanding Request” is defined as a request still in-process, or books checked-out.
  • The borrower is responsible for adhering to the due dates and restrictions specified by the lending library.  Material which is more than 2 weeks overdue incur a $10 processing fee.
  • To renew an item, please use your Tipasa Account, or contact the ILL office at least three days before the due date.
  • Please return all books to the Circulation Desk.
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