Publishes articles on all aspects of social work and social welfare that yield new insights into established practices, evaluate new techniques and research, examine current social problems, or provide critical analysis on problems in the profession.
Presents a forum for international debate on important issues & provides an opportunity for the expression of new ideas & proposals on the structure & content of social care & social work education, training & development.
Valuable video, music and unique primary source collections encompassing nearly a billion searchable items in 20 academic disciplines as well as 270 million pages of historical primary source collections. Each video comes complete with keyword-searchable, synchronized transcripts as the video plays. Customize clips, name them, and annotate them.
PsycARTICLES includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor and errata from each journal. It also offers extensive backfile coveragenearly all American Psychological Association journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1
This database is the American Psychological Association's renowned resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books and dissertations. PsycINFO is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health, with ninety-nine percent of the covered material peer-reviewed..
Repository of psychological tests and measurements including thousands of actual test instruments, including international items. Most can be downloaded to use in research and teaching.
Over 400 overview articles, on key topics ranging from international issues to ethical standards. New articles and revisions to existing articles are added regularly. Published by the NASW Press and Oxford University Press.
Mental Measurements Yearbook provides a comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments. The MMY series contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership. 4 simultaneous users at a time.
A database of public opinion polls containing the full text of 700,000 questions and responses, from 18,000 surveys and 1,700 polling organizations, conducted from 1986 through the present in the United States and more than 100 other countries around the world.
Minds will meet when researchers in the field of psychology connect with the vast database of information found in Psychology Collection. Students, psychologists, counselors, counselees, behavioral scientists, and other researchers will find relevant information from the thoughts, views, discoveries, and reports found in over 3.1 million articles.
Streaming access to the best training in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling and social work. Videos can be searched by therapeutic issue, by expert, by population, or by approach, such as Adlerian or Jungian. Simply click on the image of the video and select View Video. Transcripts and subtitles are available for many of the videos.
This bibliographic database, covering the Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress, is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Its provides citations and abstracts to the international literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events.